Digital CorNeR continues: how event broadcasting will work
5G technology to immersively and interactively experience events remotely
The activities of the Digital CorNeR project, in which the partners MISTER, CNR, Proambiente, Music Academy and Luciano Pavarotti Foundation were awarded co-funding from the Ministry of Economic Development (5G audiovisual project) last summer, continue.
What does the project involve and what technologies will be used?
The project involves a series of tests on the possibilities of interaction and immersive fruition of events, in live streaming and deferred, either in real life or created with virtual productions.
The technologies deployed include real-time 3D graphics engine, 3D graphics production software, green screen, filming equipment and Ultra HD digital direction, … all of which will finally allow testing of upload and download transmission with 5G technology.
Added to all this will be the use of 360° cameras and microphones for the fruition of the events broadcast through VR headsets or platforms that support this type of content, such as YouTube.
The Digital CorNeR project is part of the broader goal of creating a unique infrastructure in Emilia-Romagna, open to the territory and the community, useful for sharing and comparing ideas, technologies and opportunities.