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Green transition

Condensation boiler for clean and efficient combustion of methane and hydrogen gaseous blends

Immergas’ HyPOWERED project aims to study and develop a prototype of a new low-polluting condensation boiler model for residential heating and domestic hot water production.

The developed device will enable safe and efficient combustion using a methane gaseous blend and a variable percentage of hydrogen as fuel. The combustion will automatically adapt to the variability of the oxygen percentage, ensuring the lowest pollutant emissions and maximum efficiency at all times.

The project “HyPOWERED – Condensation boiler for the clean and efficient combustion of gaseous mixtures of methane and hydrogen” has been funded by the call “Regional Law No.14/2014 application for contribution for access to the regional settlement and development agreement – in implementation of Art. 6 LR 14/2014 – Call 2019” of the Emilia-Romagna Region.

MISTER is a partner in project development for R&D activities.



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