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Digital Transformation

Conservation & Restoration Innovative System to Augment Life-long-learning of Digital Evidence.

The CRISALIDE (Conservation & Restoration Innovative System to Augment Life-long-learning of Digital Evidence) project aims to develop a system for predictive diagnostics and digitization in the field of artwork conservation.

The system watches over the health of pieces and is able to support restorers in their work sending a warning when potentially harmful environmental conditions are forming.

This is made possible by a network of wireless sensors that detect environmental parameters, a new optical contaminant sensor (mold and fungi), and real-time processing of data from the sensors using machine learning algorithms.

CRISALIDE is an industrial research project approved on the “Call for strategic industrial research projects addressing the priority areas of the smart specialization strategy” (DGR 986/2018) within the POR-FESR EMILIA ROMAGNA 2014-2020, Axis 1 – Research and Innovation, Action 1.2.2.

MISTER is Redox‘s partner in project development for R&D activities.



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