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Digital Transformation, Green transition

Monitoring of photovoltaic systems with a drone

The project involves the prototype development of a drone equipped with infrared reading technology (thermal imaging camera) and a geolocation system linked to software. The system tells the software the location of the thermal camera and, based on this data, turns on the string of panels in the field of view of the camera. When the panels are turned on they emit infrared light, except in the defective areas, which, by remaining dark, become easily detectable in the drone footage.

The project “Electroluminescence with automated thermography in large-scale photovoltaic systems” was funded by POR-FESR EMILIA ROMAGNA 2014-2020, Axis 1 – Research and Innovation Action 1.1.2 Support for the purchase of services for technological, strategic, organizational and commercial innovation of enterprises Call for Proposals “Projects for innovation and product or service diversification for SMEs – 2019.”

MISTER is a partner in project development for R&D activities.

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