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Green transition

Smart building with blinds and digital technologies

With the SMART SHADOW project, Medit has been able to create new product concepts that combine blinds and digital technologies to integrate the product into commercial home automation systems, thereby improving energy efficiency and automation in the smart building arena.

The project activities are divided into three objectives:

  • development and integration of systems for product sensorization to enable obstacle detection;
  • design and development of electronics for automation and integration into home automation systems;
  • integration of diffusive light-emitting optical fibers within the fabric weave for both aesthetic and functional purposes.

The Smart Shadow project was financed by POR-FESR EMILIA ROMAGNA 2014-2020, Axis 1 – Research and Innovation Action 1.1.2 Support for the purchase of services for technological, strategic, organizational and commercial innovation of enterprises Call for Proposals “Projects for innovation and product or service diversification for SMEs – 2019.”

MISTER is a partner in project development for R&D activities.

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