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Social development

Technologies for product customization and co-design

The SUPER Craft project aims to develop a B2B platform capable of providing online tools and services for the usage of new enabling technologies for product innovation in the field of evolved design and digital craftsmanship.

The goal is to promote processes of “product customization”, through the use of digital and additive manufacturing technologies, and “product functionalization”, through the creation of smart components for use in B2B supply chains.

SUPER Craft is an industrial research project approved on the “Call for Strategic Industrial Research Projects addressing the priority areas of the smart specialization strategy” (DGR 986/2018) within the POR-FESR EMILIA ROMAGNA 2014-2020, Axis 1 – Research and Innovation, Action 1.2.2.

MISTER is partner of Romagna Tech in the development of the project for R&D and dissemination activities.

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