Registration now open for Music Academy’s DIGITAL COMPOSER & PRODUCER course
Course returns to train music creatives to use state-of-the-art hardware and software instrumentation in music creation and production 🎼
MISTER Smart Innovation collaborates as a partner in the delivery of the PA 2022-17885/RER initiative approved by Regional Council Resolution no. DGR 1951/2022 of 14/11/2022 and co-financed with resources from the European Social Fund Plus Program of the Emilia-Romagna Region.
Training details
The Digital Composer & Producer is a musical creative who uses state-of-the-art hardware and software instrumentation in music creation and production, able to both perform live (solo or with others) and create and finalize musical works for third-party enjoyment. He uses digital tools and software to define his own and others’ musical ideas, process sound, develop and finalize products, intended for modern musical, audiovisual and advertising communication channels. He is able to produce compositions and arrangements going from conception to finished product recorded, mixed and mastered such as: compositions for theater, film, commercials, live sound performances via web and in venues, mixing and mastering of digital music products.
- Training delivery: 360 hours of which 288 are classroom-based and 72 project work
- Course venue: MPDA Aps via del Tappezziere 4, 40138 Bologna (Bo)
- Start date: 28th February 2023
- Estimated end date: 31st May 2023
- Participation fee: free of charge
- Subscription: by 20th February 2023
- Certificate issued: certificate of attendance