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Filters for ventilation and environmental sanitization

Medica SpA’s MEDAIR project aims to propose an easy-to-use, mobile indoor air sanitization device that is effective in removing ultrafine and viral particles.

The goal of MEDAIR is to create a mobile filtering device that performs a dual action of ventilation and sanitization. First, the filtering action of the column removes the virus from the environment, localizing it within the fibers in the column itself. Second, due to the antiviral properties with which the fibers are enriched in post-production, the device is able to neutralize the virus in situ. The antiviral properties are added to the fibers by coating them with antibacterial and antiviral materials.

The project was financed by the call to support research and innovation projects for the development of solutions aimed at combating the COVID-19 epidemic, funds POR-FESR EMILIA ROMAGNA 2014-2020 / Axis 1 – Research and Innovation / Action 1.1.4 Support for collaborative R&D activities for the development of new sustainable technologies, products and services.

MISTER is a partner in project development for R&D activities.

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